Thursday, December 13, 2007

rss Hugger - the next buzz for bloggers

Regular readers will know about my penchant for new thingies, widgets, ideas etc and how I've been intrigued by all I've learned in the world of blogging in the last few months.

Well, my friend baby~amore over at My Little Drummer Boys has tickled my fancy with a new website aimed at bringing bloggers and readers together through the neatest little bit of viral marketing I've seen. Through the rise of social networking sites and blogging, the power of word-of-mouth marketing is being recognised, and it's future is phenomenal.

rss Hugger is a website which takes the popular rss feed method of delivering online content to readers, and packages it in a way dedicated to bloggers and people who like to read blogs. It aims to bring together bloggers with readers who are interested in the type of content they blog about, thereby providing a service beneficial to both.

The service is free for readers and bloggers can choose to register for a ten year membership option: either pay $20 for registration on the site, or blog a review for free registration.

The premise is that as each blogger writes about rss Hugger, a portion of his/her blogging readers will look at the service and subscribe, too, therefore increasing the size of the site, the traffic and therefore number of readers for all. As I said, one of the neatest bits of viral marketing I've seen, and guaranteed to be a winner!

I've already found a few new blogs to add to my reader (as if I needed more...), and the follow-on reviews I've read from some who have been subscribed for a little while were positive, so I've jumped on board.

If you've had any experience with it, or have any feedback you'd like to share, I'd love to hear from you.


Smiler said...

I have to admit I'm pretty well a tech dweeb. I can follow explicit instructions just fine, but it takes time for it all to sink in. Blogging is enabling me to get more familiar with tech and gadgets because many others like to share their knowledge and also, to make all the changes I mad on my template required for me to find the information needed and implement it. I never would have thought I'd have so much fun with HTML! I have a post about that titled "I'd rather be a geek". Thanks for introducing me to one more neat service. I keep telling people word of mouth IS already what advertisers are doing all they can to influence. Even a couple of years ago many major companies weren't investing much in web development whereas now it's become the next greatest thing.

Smiler said...

Just to tell you I've checked it out and will be singing up too.

Kelly Ann said...

I am wondering if it's going to work, I have tried so many blog search engine things, and none seems to really give me any traffic. I might try it out though, it's worth a shot. :)

ruddygood said...

Smiler - "Singing up"...I like it *grins* Fun with HTML...sounds faintly kinky, I didn't think you were that kind of girl *grins some more*

Chica - Yes, I know there are other similar services available - I'm unsure, too, but the site is clean and slick, it's definitely the right time for this kind of viral camapaign to take off, and John Chow is in already which looked like a good sign to me! I figured it was worth a shot, too.

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